Traveling the world

Presenting the activity:
a) aims:

• exploring different cultures
• working with relevant information from reliable sources (cross-curricular approach, critical thinking)
• supporting a positive classroom and school climate (negotiating while choosing countries within the classrooms)

b) target group: 5-9th grade (11-15 yrs)

c) level of education - elementary school

d) subject - target subjects or cross curricular involved competences

The activity
A year-round project focused on exploring different countries of the world - understanding their culture, traditions, history, breaking stereotypes.

1) Selection of a country for pupils to study
2) Sports morning - children participate in team sports activities that represent sports typical of the chosen countries. After successfully completing the tasks, the pupils earn a school currency called "Kidcoins," which they can exchange for sweets in the final game (see 5).
3) Children prepare information about Christmas traditions in the chosen country or information about its most significant holiday for the school magazine.
4) Children prepare a ten-minute presentation about their chosen country - they cook typical food, perform a dance, sing a song, act out a scene, or give a slideshow presentation. They present it to other classes in the morning and to parents in the afternoon.
5) Teachers organise a two-day game for the pupils. They are divided into groups and on the school premises they complete various tasks for which they earn letters for a game of Scrabble. They can exchange the letters for Kidcoins and redeem them for sweets. This phase of the project aims to contribute to the positive school climate.

Project based on self and peer assessment.

• interacting and reflecting each other´s findings
• sharing the ideas and methods
• negotiating and fine-tuning (traffic lights method)
• teachers as organisers prepare all the background and technical support for the activities and provide constructive and instructive feedback

Dětská Elementary School, Ostrava, Czech Republic