The global warming controversy


1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa.

2. Description
On-line analysis of the controversy surrounding "global warming" for 15-18 year-old students from science school subjects. The possible existence of climate change and anthropogenic global warming is a controversial issue for both society in general and the scientific community. This activity aims to promote an analysis on this theme. To do so, the following individual work is proposed:
• Viewing and analysis of the documentaries "An Inconvenient Truth" (2006) and "The Great Global Warming Swindle" (2007) which present opposing perspectives on the Global Warming controversy.
• Writing of a document of no more than two pages which: a) identifies the arguments and counter-arguments presented in the documentaries to support each of the positions; b) justifies the degree of confidence in the information presented in each documentary; c) tries to explain the existence of such different opinions on this problematic; d) presents some suggestions about how citizens should act when confronted with such different perspectives.
• Publication of the document produced in the respective forum of the on-line platform.

3. Assessment
☒ Yes
☐ No

Criteria Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0
Identification of the arguments and counter- arguments presented in the documentaries Identifies all the arguments and counter-arguments presented in the documentaries Identifies most of the arguments and counter-arguments presented in the documentaries Identifies some of the arguments and counter-arguments presented in the documentaries Does not identify the arguments and counter-arguments presented in the documentaries
Justification of the degree of confidence in the information presented in each documentary It provides a high- quality, reasoned justification of the reliability of the information presented in each documentary. Provides some quality justification of the degree of reliability of the information presented in each documentary. It provides poor quality justification of the degree of reliability of the information presented in each documentary. It does not provide a justification regarding the quality of the degree of reliability of the information presented in each documentary.
Explanation of the very different opinions on the issue Mobilises the reading of articles for the elaboration of the explanation, showing an excellent critical capacity. Mobilises the reading of articles for the elaboration of the explanation, showing a good critical capacity. Mobilises the reading of articles for the elaboration of the explanation, showing little critical capacity. Does not mobilise the reading of articles for the elaboration of the explanation. The explanation has little or no quality.
Suggestions on how citizens should act when confronted with such different perspectives It presents high-quality suggestions of citizens’ actions It presents (with some quality) suggestions of citizens’ actions It presents (with little quality) suggestions of citizens’ actions It does not present suggestions of citizens’ actions or the suggestions don’t have quality

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