The Feedback
Country: Lithuania
The ages of the learners who can be assessed using this method: 3-19 years or older
Who can conduct this assessment: learner, teacher, peer
Educational contexts:
In formal and non-formal education, it is important to provide feedback (response, reaction...) that encourages learning, builds the student's self-esteem, and creates a positive atmosphere in the classroom. It is relevant to provide it in all educational subjects.
Feedback is provided by the teacher, a classmate, the student himself. A student and a teacher or a student and a classmate are partners who share information about learning successes and difficulties.
The assessment method
Feedback for student support and encouragement. It is important for the teacher to find something to be happy about, to say something good to the student, so that he gains self-confidence, in his own strength, so that the student's self-esteem is strengthened and the courage to take on more difficult tasks grows, and if he makes a mistake, to try again.
In feedback, error as an opportunity - a positive attitude towards a wrong answer. Wrong answers are a step towards finding the right answer.
Feedback for students working together - searching for an answer in pairs, teaches cooperation by sharing ideas, teaches to help each other or accept help.
Feedback is a "recipe" for what and how to continue learning.
Feedback "here and now".
Feedback as a system.
Feedback has criteria.
Techniques for feedback:
Mini review (in writing: the essence of the lesson and what was the most difficult).
Clarification of essential knowledge (written or oral).
One sentence summary.
Proposal for practice (the knowledge gained in the lesson application in life).
Additional time (for work improvement).
Plus, minus, equality (comparison with previous work).
Method "Quick writing" (students write for 2-3 minutes about what they heard in the lesson).
The "12 word summary" method.
The 3-2-1 method (3 ideas learned, 2 applications or things that surprised you, 1 unsolved question or problem).