Geoengineering: Climate Control

Geoengineering: Climate Control This module on Climate Geoengineering was developed by science teachers within the EU-project IRRESISTIBLE (FP-7 project number 612367): Geoengineering can be described as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change, especially global warming caused by greenhouse gases emissions. Several methods have been considered for this…

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Drama or ‘mantle of the expert method’

Drama or ‘mantle of the expert method’ 1. Drama or ‘mantle of the expert method’ as a means of citizenship education Dorothy Heathcote, the creator of a.o. Mantle of the Expert, said that drama is “the best of all the arts capable of mirroring vivid social encounters” and is therefore a “suitable choice” for citizenship…

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