SWOT analysis on policies on formative assessment in CE in Portugal

Prepared by: Hélia Oliveira and Pedro Reis/ULisboa

Designed by: Socialiniu projektu institutas, Lithuania

The context of the Portugal / Lisboan / University of Lisbon

The participating Portuguese teachers in the Project are from different schools in the region of Lisbon and one from a school in the center of the country. Three of them teach middle school students (7th to 9th grade) and one with secondary school students. In the case of middle school students have Citizenship Education as a separate subject, but teachers in different subjects may also address CE competences. In the secondary school CE is only cross-curricular.

SWOT analysis regarding policies on formative assessment in citizenship education in Portugal / Lisboan / University of Lisbon


  • The ability of the teams to design and respond to the needs of education for citizenship, of the students, based on public policies;
  • The contribution of inter and multidisciplinary approaches of the teams involved in the project;
  • The co-creation of innovative methodologies in citizenship education;
  • The production of valuable resources and support for the involvement of educational communities;
  • The reflection and pedagogical training of teachers in the evaluation of teaching-learning processes in citizenship education;


  • Little impact on regular work in schools
  • Lack of coordination between teachers on formative assessment for CE


  • The influence of educational policies on citizenship, due to changes or positive trends in beliefs and practices, which allow for the finding of answers adjusted to the various realities;
  • Collaboration with other similar projects or NGOs.
  • A curriculum that points to the development of CE skills in all subject areas
  • A growing recognition of the importance of working towards inclusion, in the face of the growing diversity of students


  • The social, economic and financial instability experienced in the EU and in the world.
  • The change of educational policies with an impact on curricula and assessment modalities
  • Excessive teacher workload
  • The time that formative assessment requires to be applied
  • The extent of the syllabus