Solidarity Run

1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected:
Various schools and organizations in Lithuania.

2. Description
On October 4, 2022 students and teachers joined the 9th annual Solidarity Run, that has become a great tradition – a social initiative of the organization "Save the Children".
The main goal of the run is to promote solidarity between different cultures, social environments and schoolchildren of various ages, and to collect support for activities that help Lithuanian and foreign children experiencing difficulties. This year, the donated funds were also be allocated to children and families who came to Lithuania from Ukraine.
The Solidarity Run is traditionally patronized by the President of the Republic of Lithuania, supported by the Embassy of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education, Sports and Science of the Republic of Lithuania.

Comments from various schools:
The goals of this year's solidarity run: to develop children's social responsibility, awareness and solidarity, to provide assistance to the children of Lithuania and Ukraine.
The students were happy to be able to run with the goal of helping those children of Lithuania and Ukraine who need our help the most. Run together with classmates and teachers. Run and show yourself and others that all you need to do a good job is desire and nimble feet.
Having gathered for joint sports activities, children with noble goals try to run as many kilometres as possible in solidarity and help other children. We are all happy that this run has already become a tradition at our school and this year we have the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the children of Lithuania and Ukraine.

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