Integrated history, citizenship basics and ICT project "Lithuanian Partisan District Newspaper"

1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected:
Panevėžio 5-oji gimnazija
Panevėžys 5th gymnasium

2. Description
Description should be concise and clear, maximum half a page to demonstrate clear picture of what practice is about (who/what/why).

Integrated history, citizenship basics and IT project "Lithuanian Partisan District Newspaper"

Project aim:
Together with the students of the 2nd class (10th grade), to study the Lithuanian partisan war that took place in 1944/1945-1953, using google documents, working in groups, to create newspapers of the partisan district.

Project goals:
1. To acquaint students with the partisan warfare: reasons and goals, the most famous commanders of partisan districts and battles, partisan creation work, daily household and leisure time of partisans.
2. To develop respect for the nation's past, Lithuania and the defenders of its independence, the ability to appreciate the significance of Lithuania's freedom struggles.
3. To encourage wider interest in the armed resistance past of Lithuania and partisan freedom struggles in the Panevėžys region.
4. To promote interdisciplinary integration of history, civics and IT.
5. To introduce the creation, sharing and use of Google documents.
6. Make a newspaper of the partisan district.

After receiving the task, students plan project activities in teams, choose a group leader who distributes work and controls their performance, teachers monitor the process, advise students.
During the work presentations, each student evaluates all presented works according to the presented criteria, the teachers collect their evaluations and comment on the evaluation skills.

3. Assessment:
At this item provide a comment if there are possibilities of including formative assessment.

☒ Yes
☐ No

Assessment/feedback: after receiving the task, students plan project activities in teams, choose a group leader who distributes work and controls their performance, teachers monitor the process, advise students. During the work presentations, each student evaluates all presented works according to the presented criteria, the teachers collect their evaluations and comment on the evaluation skills. At the end of the project, there is a self-evaluation, the students discuss what was successful and what were the shortcomings. Students evaluate the work contribution of each group member themselves.

Class II (10th grade) some students' feedback, evaluations about the project "Partisan newspaper"
(language not corrected)

2. What did I contribute to the working group (three most important things)?
• I collect information.
• I described battles and commanders, filled in information.
• I drew a caricature.
• I created a bunker diagram.
• I was thinking, creating a name (the name changed 4 times).
• I formatted / laid out the text, tried to fit everything on the pages.
• Responsibilities of the group leader.
• I delivered the whole newspaper.
• Everyone invested the same amount of time in the newspaper, we searched for the most interesting information, Arnas presented the newspaper and drew a caricature, Domantas helped me correct grammatical and historical mistakes.
• Since we could choose who we would work with, it was not difficult to work, an active team was gathered. There were no grudges or disagreements, the work was going well. We all performed our work with quality and on time, we received help if we needed it, we couldn't find something or there were problems.

3. What did I learn from working in a group/doing this project (top three things)?
• I learned more about the history of partisans.
• I learned that it is important to look for information very carefully and it is even necessary to read partisan diaries.
• I developed creativity (I drew a caricature).
• I learned to work and communicate better when working in a group.
• I learned to work in a team, to trust classmates, to do work not independently.
• I learned that planning time is very important.
• I learned how to use Google Docs better.
• We have never used google docs in our life and we got the first chance to use it.
• It was more difficult to work only with the program itself, because if you are not used to it, the functions are different from Word, but it is more convenient, the whole team can work at the same time, teachers can see everything, there is no need to send anything to each other, etc.

4. What would I do differently next time (three most important things)?
• Next time I would try to find information in advance. I would try to finish the work with the group earlier to give more time to prepare for his presentation.
• Next time I would divide the work better, I would do it more orderly and smarter, because this time there were misunderstandings during the work.
• I would plan my time even better next time.
• I would try to devote some time to the project every day, instead of sitting for several days at a time for several hours.
• I would try to devote more time to work and divide time, we finished quite late with the group.
• We could have done the job better, we started the same day they assigned the project, we started late because we didn't expect it to be such a hard job.
• I would choose the same work team. It was very nice to be in this team, we all worked, we asked for opinions, we all helped each other if there was a problem.

4. Presentation 

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