Inclusion of people with disabilities

1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: CIRPE, Palermo.

2. Description
Within the two year project “Mielolesioni Sicilia” “Scuole che promuovono salute” and through a cycle of meetings in school institutes of Palermo, have been organized different days aimed to sensibilization on the inclusivity of people with disabilities theme and on life value. These days of sensibilization have been ended with a contest entitled “Mielolesioni e diversabilità: la tua vita è un bene prezioso”, aimed to Palermo schools that have participated to the project. Each school has created a short video of sensibilization to diversity, entirely created, interpreted, and developed by students. The Cirpe Institute who has won the contest, has created a video entitled "Ogni azione genera una conseguenza" (Every action generates a consequence). The title is the sentence subjected of the video, which aimed to highlight how much every choice and action could have a burden in our life and in the life of the others and how much is fundamental to accept diversity, through behaviors and actions aimed to a greater and constant social inclusivity.

3. Assessment:
X Yes
☐ No

The realization of this video falls within the scope of a project that ends with a contest that rewards the most significant works.


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