Memory is alive because it bears witness
1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Erasmus+ project (2015-2017, project No. 2015-1-LT02-KA205-004096) “GlobaLab-2: Six Steps to Global Citizenship”:
2. Description
In order to broaden civic participation of young people and enable them to contribute to meeting global challenges, 4 organisations from Lithuania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Spain joined into partnership to implement the Erasmus+ project “GlobaLab-2: Six Steps to Global Citizenship”.
The project aims to improve the quality of youth work and join efforts of youth and educational bodies towards making young people promoters of global citizenship. The GlobaLab-2 project was a laboratory for young people, where they had an opportunity to think of the issues they face every day from the global perspective. It allowed them to find their own role in the global society, as well as stimulate their behavioural change in order to contribute to sustainable development both locally and globally. The project also allowed its participants to identify the effects of the global issues to their own lives and make them become more active and responsible by changing their own views, attitudes and daily habits.
The project developed a number of outputs aimed to create, pilot and share good global citizenship education practices. Here you can find some GOOD PRACTICES, reflection and demonstration on the ways how the project partners applied the main project outputs – the framework for global citizenship education and the training modules – in the actual work with young people:
GlobaLab and Young People
In this section you will find a set of good practices of local learning processes towards global citizenship delivered in project partner countries.
GlobaLab and Youth Workers
Get acquainted with international and national global citizenship activities dedicated to youth workers, youth leaders and educators.
GlobaLab in Action
In the frame of GlobaLab project, our participants implemented a number of actions tackling a variety of global issues. Get to know more about them.
Tips for Facilitators Willing to Run a GlobaLab Learning Process
Here you can find some tips for a successful planning and implementation of your GlobaLab. They are based on the experience of the project partners and facilitators gained through running the GlobaLab learning processes with young people in the frame of the project “Six Steps to Global Citizenship”.
3. Pictures: