
Students’ attitudes towards socially excluded localities in Ostrava


Value and attitude assessment
Presenting the activity:
a) aims:
• what are excluded localities, where are they located, characteristics and who lives there
• what are the students' attitudes before and after the activity, how can we evaluate the change in their opinions?
• using a video game to evoke basic questions and search for answers to them

b) target group: 11-12th grade (17-18 yrs)

c) high school

The activity

Teaching takes place in media education classes (block of two hours), it is usually an activity that lasts 4 - 6 hours depending on the students' skills

1) What do you think, what excites you when you hear the name of the Ostrava district Privoz? How can we characterize a socially excluded location? People, topics, area and specific examples in Ostrava.
2) Equal opportunity? Different starting line - how we can look at the life trajectory of each of us from the point of view of the start and goals. Watching a video and reading comic.
3) Playing a video game and finding key elements related to the topic.
4) Watching selected parts of the film documentary Ubytovny.
5) Final question and assignment: how has my view on excluded sites changed, what hasn't my view changed?


6) Values, attitudes and controversies: How can teachers give feedback on students' attitudes and values? How can teachers deal with controversial opinions and should these be taken into consideration when assessing?
7) based on the students' consent, we will print individual student answers on separate papers, or we will use a Mentimeter and each student must add his own comment/sentence to each foreign answer.
8) We hold a joint discussion on selected comments (teacher or students choose)


Martin Vonasek
Gymnazium Hladnov a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky
teacher of history, ict, media literacy

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