Formative assessment practices A sortable collection of FA practices Formative assessment tools and models Collection of existing tools & models Section video tutorial Expand Filter the collection of formative assessment practices: Filtered (10) Filters Reset all × Adult education × Level of education & Country of origin of the practice Primary education (23) Secondary education (52) Adult education (10) Higher education (11) Other (9) Belgium (14) Portugal (12) Norway (6) Italy (5) Slovenia (4) Lithuania (10) Czech Republic (10) Bulgaria (7) Netherlands (4) Luxemburg (1) Switzerland (1) SWOT (8) Contents Valuing human dignity and human rights (5) Valuing cultural diversity (3) Respect (6) Civic mindedness (6) Responsibility (6) Self-efficacy (3) Tolerance of ambiguity (2) Autonomous learning skills (5) Analytical and critical thinking skills (4) Skills of listening and observing (4) Empathy (3) Flexibility and adaptability (1) Cooperation skills (5) Conflict-resolution skills (2) Knowledge and critical understanding of the self (4) Knowledge and critical understanding of language and communication (4) Openness to cultural otherness and to other beliefs (4) Knowledge and critical understanding of the world (2) Search × Show (10) Cancel Civic mindednessCooperation skillsKnowledge and critical understanding of language and communicationSelf-efficacySkills of listening and observing The mutual influence between social domains View this practice → Autonomous learning skillsRespectResponsibilitySelf-efficacyValuing human dignity and human rights Value of cultural diversity & Civic mindedness View this practice → Analytical and critical thinking skillsAutonomous learning skillsConflict-resolution skillsCooperation skillsFlexibility and adaptabilityKnowledge and critical understanding of language and communication The Feedback View this practice →