Europe at School competition

1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: national level

2. Description
The Europe at School competition, organised by the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth, has been running since 2005.
The main objectives of the competition, which is open to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, are to contribute to creatively confront the social problems we face at home, in Europe and to foster mutual understanding, tolerance, and solidarity. By gaining new
and attitudes, and by encouraging a critical attitude to events in the immediate and wider environment, they want to contribute to the development of young people's critical thinking through the competition. The competition aims to encourage experience and expression in the different fields of the arts genres - literary, visual arts, photography and video, and young people can also edit their own website.
The competition takes place on three levels: first, students create at school level, where mentors select their entries and send them to the judging panels at regional level, who select the best. The best works in each area are then forwarded to the national level. The expert national judging panel awards the top three entries in each competition area of each age group.
For the 2022/2023 school year, the competition was entitled "Education for Peace".

3. Images/Picture/Video …

Competition in photography
Author: Anika Udovič, Elementary school Pivka
Title: The peace is stronger


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