Cultural Heritage

1.School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Sofia University


The students are taken to the local museum (historic or ethnographic) to see an exhibition, featuring national traditional culture and heritage. Prior to their visit the students are assigned with the task to look for elements, which bear cultural significance, relevant to the level of local/national/ethnic identity. They listen to the provided guided tour and later must answer and discuss the assignment as a follow-up class activity. The teacher asks questions, related to the importance of cultural symbols and knowing them in the process of identifying one’s place in society and in comparison, to other social/ethnographic/ethnic/national etc. group. The cultural parallel between the inner and the outer group helps overcome stereotypes, find similarities as well as builds tolerant attitude and approach towards otherness.


x Yes

☐ No

Formative assessment is applied as a means to monitor building of knowledge, competence and skills – observed in practical sessions, following the visit to the museum – such as group work and debates on controversial topics, which give ground to conflicting opinions. It is importing that students learn how to listen to others’ opinion, how to accept views that differ from their own, how they can argue without giving way to intolerance, prejudice or hate speech.
