SWOT analysis on policies on formative assessment in CE in Slovenia

Prepared by: Lucija Grušovnik/AZ Ljudska univerza Velenje Designed by: Socialiniu projektu institutas, Lithuania The context of the Slovenia / Velenje / Ljudska univerza Velenje In Slovenia, Slovenian Institute of Education develops and promotes formative assessment. However, it is mainly individual teachers who choose to use formative monitoring. Those who decide to introduce formative assessment into…

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Europe at School competition

Europe at School competition 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: national level 2. Description The Europe at School competition, organised by the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth, has been running since 2005. The main objectives of the competition, which is open to kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, are to contribute to creatively confront…

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School lesson with the President of National Assembly

School lesson with the President of National Assembly 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: National Assembly of Republic of Slovenia 2. Description In the year 2021 the president of Slovenian parliament started the project virtual school lesson with the president of parliament in collaboration with Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth. It is designed…

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Love of country and homeland through comics

Love of country and homeland through comics 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Primary school Domžale, Sandra Omladič (teacher) 2. Description Love for country and homeland through comics. The comic strip is an example of good practice in cross-curricular integration, with the subjects of History and Patriotic and civic culture and ethics. The first…

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