SWOT analysis on policies on formative assessment in CE in Portugal
Prepared by: Hélia Oliveira and Pedro Reis/ULisboa Designed by: Socialiniu projektu institutas, Lithuania The context of the Portugal / Lisboan / University of Lisbon The participating Portuguese teachers in the Project are from different schools in the region of Lisbon and one from a school in the center of the country. Three of them teach…
Read MoreYouth Republic
Youth Republic 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Escola Básica e Secundária de Lousada (Lousada Basic and Secondary School) 2. Description The Youth Republic intends to create a dynamic of democratic live in the school where the students can develop their civic sense as future citizens in a democratic state. It makes available to…
Read MoreThe global warming controversy
The global warming controversy 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Instituto de Educação da Universidade de Lisboa. 2. Description On-line analysis of the controversy surrounding “global warming” for 15-18 year-old students from science school subjects. The possible existence of climate change and anthropogenic global warming is a controversial issue for both society in…
Read MorePlanning an Interplanetary Voyage
Planning an Interplanetary Voyage 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: This activity was developed by science teachers and published at: Galvão et al. (2006). Avaliação de competências em ciências: Sugestões para professores do ensino básico e do ensino secundário. Lisboa: ASA. 2. Description The planning of a space voyage is the pretext for a…
Read MoreLetter to my future I
Letter to my future I 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Agrupamento de Escolas da Damaia 2. Description This activity is described in the publication “Dentro e fora da caixa: ONG e Escolas juntas na Educação para a Cidadania – caminhos e inspirações” ( https://fgs.org.pt/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/DentroForaCaixa-net-2.pdf ) The idea of the pedagogical proposal “Letter to…
Read MoreInternational collaboration in scientific research: pitfalls and opportunities
International collaboration in scientific research: pitfalls and opportunities 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Several schools involved in the EU-project IRRESISTIBLE (FP-7 project number 612367): www.irrestible-project.eu. 2. Description Context and aim This module, for secondary school students, is centred on the importance of intercultural dialogue in scientific research and innovation for the progress of…
Read MoreGeoengineering: Climate Control?
Geoengineering: Climate Control? 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Several schools involved in the EU-project IRRESISTIBLE (FP-7 project number 612367): www.irrestible-project.eu. 2. Description This module on Climate Geoengineering was developed by science teachers within the EU-project IRRESISTIBLE (FP-7 project number 612367): www.irrestible-project.eu. Geoengineering can be described as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary…
Read MoreGender equity in access to scientific careers: how to promote formative assessment
Gender equity in access to scientific careers: how to promote formative assessment Introduction A significant gender gap has persisted throughout the years in all levels of STEM subjects worldwide. Despite efforts to reduce this gap and the significant progress made, gender stereotypes continue to strongly influence girls’ choices in scientific careers, with schools playing an…
Read MoreThe global warming controversy
The global warming controversy On-line analysis of the controversy surrounding “global warming” for 15-18 year-old students from science school subjects. The possible existence of climate change and anthropogenic global warming is a controversial issue for both society in general and the scientific community. This activity aims to promote an analysis on this theme. To do…
Read MoreInternational collaboration in scientific research: pitfalls and opportunities
International collaboration in scientific research: pitfalls and opportunities Context and aim This module, for secondary school students, is centred on the importance of intercultural dialogue in scientific research and innovation for the progress of humanity in general. With this module we intend to promote an active, participatory, creative, responsible, conscious, critical and autonomous citizenship, based…
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