SWOT analysis on policies on formative assessment in CE in Norway

Prepared by: OsloMet team Designed by: Socialiniu projektu institutas, Lithuania  The context of the Norway / Oslo / Oslo Metropolitan University ———– SWOT analysis regarding policies on formative assessment in citizenship education in Norway / Oslo / Oslo Metropolitan University   Strengths The opportunity to meet people from different cultures and backgrounds gave me a…

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The Norwegian society in the aftermath of the Second World War

The Norwegian society in the aftermath of the Second World War 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Ingieråsen ungdomsskole 2. Description: Overall Theme: The Norwegian society in the aftermath of the Second World War, the rebuilding of the country and the emerging Welfare state, and Norway in an international perspective trough the Cold War…

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Educational practice in citizenship education nr 4

Educational practice in citizenship education №4 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Sofienberg 2. Description Instruction to pupils: • During this project, Instagram will be your main platform. You will post, comment, and communicate with your followers on Instagram. • Create an account that is only for this project! Add me: @baerekraftsista. You can…

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Working on environmental challenges through a collage

Working on environmental challenges through a collage  1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Nordseter School 2. Description The project looks at how artists and climate activists are expressing themselves through the use of arts and other visual expressions. The idea is that the students are able to use these references in their own work…

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The Luxury trap

The Luxury trap 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: Torstad School 2. Description The concept is built on the TV-show “The Luxury trap” where people get help organizing their finances. The students work in pairs as one “person”. Each pair gets different roles with different educations and jobs, and also salary. They start by…

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Sustainable development

Sustainable development This template aims to do two things: 1. Operate as a guideline to prepare what you will discuss in the Palermo workshop on rubrics and portfolio 2. Collect descriptions of Formative Assessment Methods used in Citizenship Education activities. Introduction Presenting the activity: a) Aims: learn how to participate in a discussion online, express…

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