SWOT analysis on policies on formative assessment in CE in Czech Republic

Prepared by: ZŠ Dětská Ostrava, Gymnázium Hladnov Ostrava, Mendelovo gymnasium Opava, KVIC Nový Jičín Designed by: Socialiniu projektu institutas, Lithuania The context of the Czech Republic / Moravian-Silesian region / Ostrava / ALICE teacher’s schools The SWOT analysis was performed by teachers of primary and secondary schools from Moravian-Silesian region, namely city of Ostrava and…

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Our political party

Our political party 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: ZŠ Dětská, Ostrava – Poruba 2. Description The aim of the project Our political party is to familiarize children with the principles of the formation and functioning of political parties and elections. V creates its own political parties – electoral program (focused on the needs…

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Tales of our Neighbors

Tales of our Neighbors 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected:ZŠ Dětská, Ostrava – Poruba 2. Description In the project Tales of our Neighbors, the children searched in a team for interesting stories of our grandmothers and grandfathers. They chose the fate of the great-grandmother of one of the boys – she experienced the liberation…

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Children for the Earth

Children for the Earth 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected:ZŠ Dětská, Ostrava – Poruba 2. Description The Children for the Earth project was focused on ecology and strengthening good relationships at school. The children could choose the workshops and plan how they would be involved in the whole event, which skills they would use…

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Our sity

Our sity 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected:ZŠ Dětská, Ostrava – Poruba 2. Description The project Our City introduces children to the history and present of our city. Using a walk, presentations, worksheets and poster creation, they enrich their classmates with the knowledge. They also discover important places in their surroundings and realize the…

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People in Need

People in Need 1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected: People in Need (Člověk v tísni) – non-profit, non-governmental organization 2. Description Audio-visual lessons comprising documentary films and methodological materials with activities available online. The aim is to bring important topics and specific stories into schools. The focus is on the current issues of today’s…

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Livia likes Slovakia

Livia likes Slovakia Introduction This activity aims to analyze hate speech. After the lesson, students know what is hate speech, they understand the meaning of far right hate speech, they know what is the value of different values such as free speech and respect for human dignity. They know which arguments they can use if…

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Travering the World

Traveling the world Introduction Presenting the activity: a) aims: • exploring different cultures • working with relevant information from reliable sources (cross-curricular approach, critical thinking) • supporting a positive classroom and school climate (negotiating while choosing countries within the classrooms) b) target group: 5-9th grade (11-15 yrs) c) level of education – elementary school d)…

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Ghettout… Students’ attitudes towards socially excluded localities in Ostrava Introduction Value and attitude assessment Presenting the activity: a) aims: • what are excluded localities, where are they located, characteristics and who lives there • what are the students’ attitudes before and after the activity, how can we evaluate the change in their opinions? • using…

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EARTH DAY – How to help the Earth to stay „COOL“

EARTH DAY – How to help the Earth to stay „COOL“ This activity was developed by English teachers in cooperation with the science teachers of the Slovan elementary school, Kroměříž, Czech Republic. The Earth Day, which is worldly renown, was used as the basis for this activity. Starting from the 1st grade, students learn about…

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