Bukonys school multifunctional center


1. School/Organization, where the practice is collected:
Jonava district Bukonys school multifunctional center

2. Description
Description should be concise and clear, maximum half a page to demonstrate a clear picture of what practice is about (who/what/why).

Scouting activities began on the 3rd October, 1995 and continue until now in Bukonys school multifunctional center.
The purpose of non-formal education for children is - to meet students' needs for knowledge, education and self-expression, to help them become active members of society.
The field of non-formal children's education currently includes the activities of children and youth organizations, children and youth clubs, leisure centers, as well as the activities of music, art, fine arts, sports and other similar schools.
The goal of Lithuanian Scouting is to educate young people in order to achieve their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potential as individuals, responsible citizens and members of their local, national and international community
Education is based on the world-recognized "scout method": learning by doing, small group system, knowledge of nature and activities in it, leader's example, system of personal progress, precepts and symbolism.
Working in small groups (sections), children create symbols, assume responsibilities, raise ideas, plan their implementation, make decisions and discuss the activities carried out.
With the help of active methods, they get to know the history of scouting as a movement for children and youth in Lithuania and around the world,they learn to behave in extreme situations, go on a hike, observe nature and are interested in the culture and history of their native land.
Our students learn to camp, perform creative and construction (pioneer) tasks, acquire scouting skills, together with the group that comes up with and performs a good deed for the local community.
The program is based on a step-by-step educational system, where each participant personally follows their progress and together with the manager(s), evaluates their own and others' achievements, and makes decisions about oral giving.
Children participating in the program form a system of personal values, develop critical thinking,
strengthen their civic positions - that become their identity, experiencing the spirit of scouting adventure, acquiring life skills, getting to know themselves and the environment even better, finding new friends.
Each such mark is both an appreciation of achievement and an encouragement to strive for more and this motivates students to learn from each other.
Children's motivation to participate and seek progress is encouraged when they take on responsibilities in a group (section) and by providing opportunities to choose separate subject competence development programs (scout specialties).
Thus, recognizing the links between the value of competences acquired in formal and non-formal education. It is very important that the competences demonstrated in non-formal education are counted in formal education.
Scouts are a special community: warm, sincere, understanding, friendly communication. Participation of children and young people in activities learning from elders. While playing, one learns independence, activity, the ability to lead, communicate, cooperate, focus, and persevere through difficulties.

3. Assessment:
At this item provide a comment if there are possibilities of including formative assessment.

☒ Yes
☐ No

After correctly fulfilling the obligations in the group, after acquiring the scouting specialty, the scout receives a tie - mutually agreed upon level of achievement or a badge and the right to teach others in his specialty.

4. Images/Picture/Video …

Look PPT here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y5y5FGRtNri9EY3pkZTW9qltlz4A4DKCmeFksCwX3bc/edit?usp=sharing

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