Reading Corner

Key topics and reading resources

Read our eBook online or download it and save it for later!

For Policy-makers

SWOT analyses and system reviews

Resources for policy-makers, researchers, analysts.

Examples of Formative Assessment

Collection of formative assessment methods and practices

A collection of formative assessment practices including descriptions, rubrics and templates of assessment sheets!

Practices on Citizenship Education

Sortable collection of practices curated by ALiCE's team

Check these practices from around Europe for ideas and inspiration!

Ideas and Perspectives

Inspiring bites for you

ALiCE's collection of videos

Self-Assessment Test

Quick-test your own teaching practice!

Our test is a quick way to gain insights into areas where your teaching and formative assessment practice can be improved.

Access our MOOC

The Courses are now accessible!

All ALiCE's MOOCs in 9 languages!

Access to our digital course on formative assessment in citizenship education in 9 languages!


The EduFACE platform attempts to reach a wide number of teachers, education professionals and policy-makers across Europe. We are using a machine-translation plugin to deliver our content to as many as we can, crossing language barriers. Be advised that machine translations may not be completely accurate and that translated content may, at times, appear odd to the native speaker. We trust that you will appreciate the benefit of bringing valuable and inspiring content in your own language, and that this far outweighs any translation-related shortcomings.


The introduction videos for each sections were created using HeyGen, an AI-powered video generation platform.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Alice_logo_Color is a website created for parts of content and interactive tools developed under the multi-national Erasmus+ project ALiCE, funded by the European Union. ALiCE  is focused on formative assessment practices in citizenship education. For more information on the project or to contact us, visit